Management of special projects (abstract lecture NDPSU)

5.2. Історія сітьового планування і управління

Techniques of the planning of the boule are rooted in the 50th rock of the United States. In 1956 r. M. Walker in the "DuPont", doslidzhuychi mozivolisti bilsh efektivnogo vikoristana obsochlyuvalnoy machine Univac, scho nalezhala firmi, ob'ednav svoysillya D. Kelly z grupi planuvannya kapitalnogo budivnitskva firmi "Remington Rend." Wongs were trying to get vikoristovuvati EOM for storing planim-greek in the great complexes of robots and modernizatsii factory "DuPont". In the result of the rationale, forgive the method of describing the project for the VJs of the EOM. Spotchatka vin bout names by the Walker-Kelly method, and pisnіshe having named the method of critical shlyahu - MKH (abo CPM - Crіtіcal Path Method).

Parallel to this, the method of the PERT program (Program Evaluatіon and Revіew Technіque) is unreliable in the Wisconsin-Marine forces of the United States of America. Danyh method of boring of corruptions of the corporation "Lockheed" and consulting firm "Buz, Allen and Hamilton" for realizing the design of the missile system of the Polaris missile system, having adjoined close to 3800 main pidrjadchik and including 60 yew. Operation. The PERT method allows the Kerivnitsa programs to be exactly noble, but at the time of the hour and at the very moment of the corruption, and the amount of time-consuming completion of transactions. Kernivnitskogo programma viyavilosya nastilki uspishnim, but the project succeeded in completing the two rock early raschannogo term. Zavdiakov to such an easy cob of danii, the method of managing the nezabarom became vikoristovuvatisya for planuvannya projects in all the United States forces. Technique vidminno itself recommended for coordinating the robots, vikonuvanyh rіznimi pіdryadchikami within the framework of the great projects on the new species of sight обброєння.

Великі промислові корпорації почаща застасування подібної методики управління Practically one-hourly for Vieskovichi for the decommissioning of new types of products and moderniza- tion of virbitnitsva. Widely zashosuvannya methodology planyuvannya robot on the basis of the project scored in Budivnitsk. Napriklad, for kerуvannya project for the construction of power stations in the Cherchyll near Newfoundland (Pivostriv Labrador). The volume of the project was 950 million dolar. Гідроеэлектростанція was going from 1967 to 1976 p. Tsey project including more than 100 budivelnyh contractov, prichomu vartit proizvodikh of them reached 76 million dolariv. In 1974, the Company's work for the Viperjav project was for 18 months in advance and was accounted for in the plan for the depletion of vitrates. Zamovnikom project corporation bulls Churchill Falls Labrador Corp., yaka for the project and management of the business found the company Acress Canadian Betchel.

Vlasne kazuchi, a significant vigrap after an hour utvoryvsya vіd zastosuvannya exact mathematical methods in management folding complexes robot, scho became mozyvim zavdyaki rozvitku obsochlyuvalnoy technicians. One of the Persian EOM buli roads and accessible to great organizations. In this way, historically, the designs presented themselves as grandiose for the scale of the robots, the number of visions and capital accumulations for state programs.

Spotchatka, velikі compnії zdіysnjuvali rozrobku program zabezpechennya for pidtrimki vlasnih proektiv, ale nezabarom pershі sistemi upravlynnya projects z'yavilsya і na rinku programmnogo zabezpechennya.

The main portrayers of the systems of the classical class of buli їхня висока потужність і, at the same hour, the building should be detailed in the description of projects, the vikoristovochi folding method of the sytovogo planuvannya. Ці sistemi були орієнтовані on високопрофесійних managersів, керючих розробкою найбільших проеків, goodness of knowledge of the algorithms of the сітьового планування і спецфічною термінологією. Yak rule, the project for the project і konsultatsії on kerуvannu project zdіysnyuvayasya spetsialnymi konsaltingovymi fіrmami.

Etap naiibilsh burhlivogo rozvitku systems for managing projects pochavsya with the appearance of personal komp'yuterov, if the computer is a robotic tool for a broad kola kerivnikiv. Znachne rozshirennya kola korostjustachiv in management systems has generated the need for new systems for managing projects of a new type, one of which shows the simplicity of the country. The management systems of the new generation were robbed of the project management system, zrozumil, be-yo manager, a non-vimage of special preparation and care of the light shidke included in the robot.

At teperіshnіy hour, the glybokі of traditional management systems for managing projects in bugalok galuzah zhittydіyalnosti were folded. To Prichom, the main part of the middle of the planned projects becomes small in terms of rozmery design. On the other hand, the results, carried out by the engineer of InfoWorld, have shown that in the United States there are a number of corridor systems in the United States, which allow the planning of roads, but also for warehousing of 500-1000 km² and inlets, 28 kilometers to the road, and more than 1,000 robots. Що стосується ресурсів, then 38 відсотковми корстувачів managed to manage 50-100 types of resources under the project, і тільки 28 відсоткам корстувачів потрібно контровати більш ніж 100 видів ресурсів. At the result of the implementation of the project, the following projects were created: for mali projects - 81 robots and 14 visions for resources, for the middle sered - 417 robots and 47 views for resources, for the great projects - 1 198 робіт і 165 видів ресурсів. These figures can be used as servants for the right point, for the manager, or for the manager, about the transition to the project management form for the administrative authority. Yak bachimo, zastosuvannya sistemi ruled by projects on the practice can be effective and for the arc of small projects.

Naturally, it is necessary to expand the width of the corridors of the systems of project management to the widening of the method and the priomyom of the external vicarities. Західні галузеві a journalist regularly publishes statti, is connected to the systems for managing projects, including including the corridors of such systems, and the analysis of the methodology of the si tiovy plan for conducting tasks in the areas of management. In the SRSR, robotics sityovogo ruled in 60 rock. Todi SPU methods were known to be shoddy in the budding science divisions. Nadalі sіtyovі methods have become widely zastosovuvatysya th in the other areas of the gaols of the people's state.