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Anorexigenic and other drugs used to reduce body weight

The feeling of hunger and satiety is regulated by the centers of the brain,
Center of the hypothalamic region. With some pathological
Obesity, overweight,
Use a variety of medicines in the complex therapy;
Appetite (anorectic agents). The search for such funds is
Di compounds of endogenous nature produced by brain tissue. Previously
For the treatment of constitutional forms of obesity, a hormonal pre-
Adiposine, obtained from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of slaughter cattle.
However, this drug was not effective enough,
(Allergies, fluid retention in the body, etc.), in connection with which
Was excluded from the nomenclature of medicines.
At present, limited use as anorexigenic
Means have some synthetic compounds of non-hormonal nature,
Similar in some way to the structure and action with K phenamine.

Subgroup Anorexigenic and other drugs used to reduce body weight include drugs: