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Cardiotonic drugs

Cardiotonic agents are widely used to treat cardiac non-
Sufficiency. For a long time, almost the only means
Changing for this purpose, were cardiac glycosides. In acute heart
Adrenaline was sometimes used, and later
Change more modern adrenomimetic drugs (see Kizadriya, Dopamine,
Dobutamine). Recently, new cardiotonic nongliko-
And non-adrenergic natures (see Amrinon), but the main
Ditonics used to treat chronic heart failure.
Cardiac glycosides continue to exist.
It should be borne in mind that recently the tactics of drug therapy
Heart failure has become more perfect. Along with the drugs,
Stimulating contractile activity of the myocardium, widely used-
There are means that reduce the load on the myocardium and facilitate the work of the heart,
Reducing the energy expenditure of the heart muscle and improving
Its function not by stimulation, but by its more economical activity
Tion. Such means of complex therapy are primarily Uperi-
Peric vasodilators (see), reducing pre- and post-loading on
Myocardium by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance and
Expansion of the peripheral vascular bed, as well as K diuretic media,
Which reduces the load on the myocardium, providing hypovolemic de-
Ie, reducing the volume of circulating blood plasma.
To some extent, cardiotonic properties are covered by funds,
Have a general positive effect on the metabolic processes of the organ.
Including myocardial metabolism (see Anabolic hormones, Riboxin
and etc.).