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Means that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings

The agents of this group are widely used in the form of ointments, plasters, aerosol-
Lei, injection solutions and other medicinal forms as "abstract
Casting ", analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs at various pa-
Processes. The effect of these funds is to a large extent on the
Is caused by reflex reactions associated with stimulation of the sensory
Nerve endings. To a greater extent this refers to means that are irritating
Mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, mouth, gastrointestinal
Tract. However, these agents and agents that stimulate skin receptors and sub-
Skin formations (including muscle tissue), not only
Lectorial, but also a general humoral effect on the body. Should be considered,
That many "local" funds are absorbed to some extent and can
To have general-disruptive action, and also to influence various regulators-
Including neurotransmitter, immune reactions, etc. It has been proved,
That stimulation of the receptors of mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous
Is accompanied by stimulation of the formation and release of enkephalins,
Endorphins, dinorphins and peptides, which play an important role in regulation
Pain sensations, permeability of vessels and other processes. Influenced
"Irritating" substances releases a number of other endogenous physiologi-
(Histamine, kinin, etc.), stimulating the immuno-
Logical processes that affect blood coagulability, etc.
To preparations of "irritating" action the series of vegetative
Means, as well as synthetic compounds. In connection with specific features of
Action and scope of application in a separate sub-group are highlighted
Drugs that have a laxative effect.

Subgroup Means that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings include subgroups:
Subgroup Means that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings include drugs: